Standing By My Craft: Warranty

Josue Leonardo’s Studio

A Commitment Beyond Purchase

As the artisan behind each meticulously crafted piece, my commitment extends beyond the initial purchase. The high standards I've set are reflected in every product, inspiring me to offer a One-Year Limited Warranty on my alligator wallets.

Luxury Meets Durability

In every wallet I craft, I blend luxury with durability. However, over time, even the finest of products may exhibit signs of wear or loose stitches. I view these instances not as setbacks but as opportunities to reaffirm my dedication to your satisfaction.

The Assurance of a One-Year Limited Warranty

Under the terms of this warranty, I promise to address and rectify any wear-related defects or loose stitches at no charge. The only requirement is for the wallet to be returned to my studio by the purchaser.

Support Beyond the Warranty Period

If it's been more than a year since your purchase, I still urge you to reach out. My commitment doesn't cease when the warranty period concludes. I stand by the longevity of my products and am always ready to assist with any issues you may experience, even beyond the warranty period.

Building Trust and Satisfaction

For me, crafting wallets is more than a transaction; it's about fostering relationships built on trust and satisfaction. My Alligator Wallet Warranty is not just a policy—it's my pledge of unwavering quality and ongoing service.

Remember, I am here for you, today, tomorrow, and always. That's my promise to you.


The Florida Alligator Skin Industry: History and Current Practices


Crafting Elegance: The Taza Leather Story by Josue Leonardo